Saturday, August 23, 2008

Autumn leaves and so on!

Redberry jam
So autumn is coming! Our backyard has sooo many redberry bushes, and one rainy day I picked one big bowl of them, and still a lot remained to be collected. I guess it requires some good wild imagination where to put all the berries - jam was one thing I had in mind, red-berry juice is awesome too. Our freezer just doesn't take anything in anymore - it is full of cloud-, blue- and strawberries and who knows what else. It's not too big anyway. I guess that some shall be given to friends who would like to adopt some!
The redberry-jam was easy to make, I just made it very simple. I boiled about 2 ½ dl of water and 2 dl of fructose in a kettle, and then added 1 ½ litres of berries. It was boiled with a mild heat for about 25 minutes. The jam was poured into a clean oven-heaeted glasspot (for the bacteria to die - heat the pot in 100 degrees in the oven). It should be then keepen in cold.
Autumnal Mushroom-pie with fennel

Mushrooms picked from the forest, what else makes it feel the autumn is definitely falling? I don't remember what the name of these were, but just some ordinary mushrooms found. The base is consisted of soyflour and margarine, our regular. I wanted to put some fennel in the pie, but I must say, this pie was very mild of it's flavor. But it was good, so it's OK. I guess fennel tastes more "spunky" when served raw.
This was served with salad from the garden and some organic cherry-tomatoes! Yum!

The Base:
2 dl of soyflour
100 g room-temperature margarine

Fiddle into a dough and press in a casserole. Sting with a fork and pre-cook in the oven, heated in 200 degrees, for 10-15 minutes.

1 Onion, chopped
½ fennel, finely chopped
½ litres of mushrooms, pre-boiled and chopped
2 eggs
2 dl of soycream
Fresh parsley

The onion and fennel were sauted in some olive oil. Mix the eggs, soy cream, parsley and spices in a bowl. Pour all these on the pre-cooked base. Bake in 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

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