Isn't it autumn already? I love it!! The nights are getting darker and the air smells somehow refreshing, there is something deeply refreshing in autumn. It feels like giving up old leaves and growing on new ones. I think that after all, this is and always has been my favorite time of year. I feel this awesome sensation every year. We bought some chanterelle, mmmmm. Just simply fried with onion and olive oil until golden brown, and then boiled with some soy cream. Seasoned then with pepper, salt and fresh ground parsley. We ate this with dark rye bread and redcurrant juice. The most simple wonders are most delicious. Gratinated artichokes with goat cheese-salad
This recipe is from Virginie Besancoies cookbook "Aurinkoinen keittiƶ", as also the tofu buns. There weren't any artichoke's hearts in the store, so we just used normal artichokes. The artichokes and goat cheese were gratinated in oven 225 degrees, with dried oregano, thyme, pepper and olive oil for about 15 minutes. Then they were setted on different salads. The dressing was basic, olive oil, vinegar, pepper and salt.
Champignons with sesame oilThis recipe was from a book called "Intian makuja". INDIA! Coriander, lemon oil, bay leaf and dried chili were fried in sesame oil for a minute, and then added the champignons for 3-4 minutes.
" Tofu buns"