Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pies and food.. but just one recipe

I made so many delicious things in the summer, but this time I only want to write down the pie-recipe we used last night for making lingonberry-pie for dinner.
I mean as a dinner. I'll post images later on.. I'm just lazy. But our recipes are always so good and successful that I have to start writing them down more often! Here of course you can use any berries you wish, we just had a craving for lingonberries. Or at least I did.


The base:

Wet mixture:

0,8 dl oil (we used coconut oil, feel free to use butter etc)
1,5 - 2 dl oat milk
1,5 dl muscovado sugar

Dry mixture:

5 dl flour
1 large teaspoon of baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
spices : cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg

200 g lingonberries

Mix separately the dry and wet parts and after that whisk together. If the batter seems to sticky add some liquid. Heat the oven in 180 degrees and pour the batter on a round pie casserole (the base becomes quite thick this way, you can use also baking tray to make a thinner pie) and put on the lingonberries. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes (or until the base seems cooked), and if you wish add after that some crumbles :

2 large tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp sugar
2 dl oat flakes

Mix together the oil and sugar, add oat flakes. Pour evenly on the lingonberries, and cook for another 5-10 minutes until slightly brownish.